Why Birds See Windows as Enemies: Preventing Collisions with Bird Strike Window Film

Why Birds See Windows as Enemies: Preventing Collisions with Bird Strike Window Film

Birds and windows often seem to have an adversarial relationship. Every year, millions of birds meet their end due to window strikes, and the reason for this is surprisingly simple: birds just can't see windows. This is a serious issue that impacts not only the bird population but also our environment at large. Fortunately, there's a solution: Bird Strike Window Film.

Understanding the Problem

Windows are a danger to birds because they reflect the surrounding environment, causing birds to perceive them as open space. According to a blog post on our website, birds run into windows because they see reflections of trees, sky, or even other birds, which they then attempt to fly towards.

"Birds see the world differently than humans. What we perceive as a clear barrier, they see as open sky."

Making matters worse is the fact that modern buildings and homes often feature large windows, increasing the likelihood of bird strikes.

A Potential Solution: Bird Strike Window Film

Fortunately, there's a way to mitigate this issue. At Bird Strike Window Film, we've developed a range of window film solutions designed specifically to prevent bird strikes.

Our window films work by disrupting the reflection that birds see, making it apparent that there is a solid object in their path. The film is easily applied to the exterior of any window and comes in a variety of patterns and colors to fit any style.

Types of Bird Strike Window Film

Here are some of the products we offer:

  1. Bird Strike Window Film - Black: This window film features a bold black design, making it highly visible to birds.
  2. Bird Strike Window Film - Clear Perforated: For those who prefer a more subtle look, this clear film disrupts reflections without obstructing the view from inside.
  3. Bird Strike Window Film - Dots: This film features a dot pattern that helps birds recognize the presence of a window.
  4. Bird Strike Window Film - Horizontal Lines & Vertical Lines: These films have line patterns running either vertically or horizontally, disrupting reflections effectively.
  5. Bird Strike Window Film - Trellis: Featuring a trellis pattern, this film is an excellent choice for those who want to maintain aesthetic appeal while ensuring bird safety.

Before installing, make sure to pick up our Bird Strike Window Film Install Kit to ensure a seamless application process.


Window collisions can be deadly for birds, but with a little foresight and the right products, we can help minimize these unfortunate incidents. By using Bird Strike Window Film, we can create a safer environment for our feathered friends without compromising the beauty of our homes and buildings. To learn more about our products or for more information about bird safety, check out our blog or visit our product page.

If you're looking for a custom solution or have any questions about our window films, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help you make the best choice for both you and the birds.

"We believe that bird safety and beautiful design can go hand in hand. Together, we can protect our feathered friends."

Remember, by bird-proofing your windows with Bird Strike Window Film, you're not just saving bird lives; you're also contributing to a more sustainable environment. For more details on our commitment to sustainability, check out this blog post.

Finally, we understand that sometimes, a product may not work as expected. If that's the case, please check our returns and exchanges policy for guidance. We're committed to ensuring customer satisfaction above all else.

Bird Strike Window Film is more than just a product; it's a commitment to a safer, more sustainable world. So, don't wait. Take action today and let's protect our feathered friends together.

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